Some Dos And Don’ts Of Matching Bridesmaids’ Bouquets

Your bridesmaids' bouquets are an important part of achieving the wedding look you really want. But not all bouquets are the same, and learning what to match and what not to match is key to choosing the right ones. What should you know about matching bridesmaids' and other attendants' bouquets? Here are a few dos and don'ts.

Do Match the Dress Style 

The shape and style of the bridesmaids' dresses inform the type of bouquet that will look best with them. A sleek, slim dress generally looks great with a thinner, longer bouquet style. On the other hand, a large, round skirt often works with a more round bouquet. In addition, consider how heavy and formal or light and airy the dresses will be. Design bouquets to match these effects. 

Don't Match Things Identically

A certain level of symmetry and similarity in wedding looks will look great in photos and in person. But that doesn't mean should design six identical bouquets for six identically-dressed attendants. Too much matching detail makes the bouquets less interesting and provides less of a visual centerpiece because they lack punch. Instead, craft six largely similar bouquets each with little differences such as flower blooms, shading, hanging elements, and ribbon choice. 

Do Match the Bride a Little

The bridesmaids' bouquets should usually complement the bride's own flowers without being too closely matched. Take the main bouquet as the inspiration, then arrange smaller and less intricate homages to it. The similarities may include a few or many similar flowers, complementary colors, and the same general shape. 

Don't Match Everyone Else

Finding wedding inspiration in shows, magazines, trends, and other weddings is common. But don't let other people's choices dictate what you select. Your bouquets should match your budget, your dresses, your taste, and your style. This may be traditional or more creative. There's no right or wrong, but don't feel that you must do what everyone else is doing. 

Do Match Personalities

Can you use bouquet choice to express a little of each person's personality or how you feel about their friendship? Use a few flowers unique to each bouquet based on things like the person's personal flower taste or favorite colors. Use flower meanings to include hidden messages letting them know how you feel about them. Feel free to create small bouquets for timid attendants and larger, bold ones for bold personalities. It's all up to you and them. 

Where to Learn More

Want more do's and don'ts for your bridesmaids' bouquets? Start by meeting with an experienced wedding florist in your area. With your wedding vision and their floral expertise, you'll soon find just the right flowers to complement everyone. 
