Have A Small Space And Want Plants? 2 Tips To Add Some To Your Home

If you live in a small space, it can be difficult to garden with any type of plants. Fortunately, it isn't impossible to have plants if you follow the tips below. You can then have the plants that you want, so you can enjoy them both inside and outside.

Hanging Terrariums

Hanging terrariums dangle from the ceiling, so they take up no space. You can purchase these online or at some garden centers. In the terrarium are a variety of plants and other decorations, such as rocks, figurines, and more.

If you want something that you do not have to care for, you can get air plants for the hanging terrarium. Air plants do not require any watering; all they need is air. Some air plants you may enjoy include the following:

  • Aeranthos
  • Cyanea
  • Ionantha
  • Purpurea
  • Tillandsia

You can also plant succulents in the terrarium soil. If you do this, make sure the terrarium has drainage holes and that you water the succulents. Succulents that will work great for this include the following:

  • Asplenium
  • Gasteria
  • Cryptanthus
  • Sansevieria
  • Hatiora salicornioides

You can hang the terrarium in your kitchen, study, bedroom, bathroom, or any other place you want to enjoy plants.

Window Boxes

Window boxes can be placed on any window in your home. These boxes are made of a variety of materials, such as PVC, wood, fiberglass, and vinyl.

PVC window boxes do not decay or rot, wood is beautiful and durable, fiberglass is durable and lightweight, and vinyl is durable and inexpensive.

The window boxes attach to the exterior window and are hung with screws, hooks, or more. Small holes will have to be drilled, but these are small enough that they are hardly noticeable.

There are many annual plants that work great for window boxes if the box receives sun throughout the day. One type of plant is the petunia. This flower is easy to grow, comes in a variety of colors, and will cascade over the side of the window box.

Vinca is another annual you can plant. These generally come in white, pink, purple, and dark pink. They grow well in high heat and humidity, and if you receive rain once a week, you will not have to worry about watering this plant.

If you need help, contact a landscaper in your area. They will have many ideas for how you can have a garden in a small space.
